Old saw blades can be recycled into knives if you have the right equipment and enough time. This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to make a guthook knife out of a saw blade from start to finish. Only experts should attempt to carry out these steps, since working with sharp edges and power tools can be very dangerous without proper training and experience.


  1. When the pattern has been decided on, cut it out and trace it onto a stiffer paper. You can use cardboard or file folders.[1]
  2. [2]
  3. The light duty will work, but you might go through a half a pack of them cutting out one blade. A better option is to use the reinforced disks. They cost more but are well worth it. You can cut 4 or 5 blades with just 1 of these cutting disks.[3]
  4. , and since this is a guthook, use a chainsaw file to get the shape of the gut hook cleaned up.
  5. to get the rust and scratches removed.
  6. Saw blades are almost impossible to drill through so to drill the holes for pins, heat the handle red hot and let it cool down on its own.
  7. If the blade is thicker, you can do a vine and thorn or an arrowhead design instead. This is a design element and is optional.[4]
  8. Normally you can use a grinder but the hook on this particular type of blade prevents that. Try to leave a flat edge roughly 1/64" wide. During the buffing part, when you use a leather buffing wheel and some buffing compound, the edge will form.

  9. Most of the blades have a Rockwell hardness of 35 so they will need to be heat treated and tempered to hold an edge. Most industrial grade blades are hard enough and do not need to be treated (but if it is too hard, it will not sharpen easily).[5]
  10. This particular example uses blood wood.

  11. [6]
  12. They can be ground all the way flush, but take your time. The brass gets hot really and can melt the epoxy and come loose. If you used epoxy with less than 2500 lb. per square inch holding strength, you may need to peen the pins.
  13. Then switch to a cloth buffer with black buffing compound to take out most of the scratches, white for the initial shine and brown to really shine it up. Put some tape around the front of the handles to keep the compound from packing into the wood.
  14. It brings out a razor sharp edge. Some caution should be used when you are using the leather and cloth buffing wheels, especially with a guthook. They can get caught on the blade and hook while spinning. At high speeds, there is no reaction time, the blade can fly across the room or come all the way around the wheel and hit your hand. It helps to angle the leading edge of the blade away from the wheel. There are several other options as well:
  15. This tutorial uses tung oil and if it dries on the blade, it is a pain to remove without scratching the blade. Apply three layers of tung oil over three days.[8]
  16. If the blade is thin, only sharpen one side.

Community Q&A

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    What if I don't have metal?
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    Community Answer
    The knife is made out of metal, hence, there is no way to create it without metal and still get the same desired result. As the article suggests, using an old saw blade is a good way to re-purpose metal!
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Things You'll Need

  • Saw blades - a 10" blade from a sawmill is used in this tutorial; smaller 7 1/4" blades can be used for fillet knives, trade points, broadheads
  • For backbone design - triangle file, chainsaw files, a small flat file and an improvised vice to hold the blade while you work

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Updated: September 15, 2021
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